A short, sharp travelling intervention featuring UK and USA performance artists and anti-shoppers who interrupted the usual patterns of consumption.

They performed in contested public spaces, right in the heart of corporate chain stores, where the "shopping experience" is most ritualized

The core team included representatives from:

Whirl -Mart
Retroactive Logo Distribution
My Dads Strip Club
Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping
How and Why
Richard Dedomenici
The Vacuum Cleaner
They were joined by guest artists and anti-shoppers en route
Space Hijackers
Immo Klink
Emily Beckmann
Steve Ingram
Owen Gaffney
Jon Burgerman

The tour was supported by:
Q-Arts Derby
ICA London
FACT Liverpool
Platform & Waygood Newcastle
Broadway Media and Arts Centre
The Sumac Centre Nottingham
Arts Council England

Not forgetting the artists themselves and the support from many individuals who provided documentation, accomodation, transport, etc. etc.....